
Radicalisation is when an individual or group adopt extreme political, social, or religious views that can lead to violence. This is why the term is often used when referring to those who carry out or encourage acts of terrorism.

You may not believe your child could become radicalised or involved in terrorism, but children of all ages can be influenced by people who don't have their best interests at heart.

What to look out for

Some of these signs are typical in teenagers but it is worth being vigilant of:

  • Unwillingness to listen to or engage with those who have different points of view

  • Quick conversion to a new religion, leading to a rejection of friends and activities they enjoyed

  • Spending a lot of time online or on their phone, and being secretive about what they are doing

  • Having several profiles on social media, using their own name or aliases to share extreme views

  • Support or sympathy for groups with extreme political or religious views, who encourage illegal or violent action

  • Accessing extremist literature or contacting those wanting to recruit to extremist groups

  • Joining or seeking to join extremist organisations

Trust your instinct if you feel something is not right. Some of these signs may indicate other safety concerns for your child such as child sexual exploitation

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