Students' stunning artwork captures lockdown emotions

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Talented students have captured feelings of isolation during lockdown by creating stunning artwork during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Year 11 Art students have been working on a transition task on the theme of isolation, which they will continue to develop when they return to classrooms later this year.

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Some used the medium of photography to portray their feelings and emotions, whilst others used watercolours and sketches to create abstract works, including Bea Greame’s boats, which represent the concept of being alone and floating aimlessly. 

One of the students, Jack Dean, said: “My goal with the isolation art was to present a unique viewpoint into the ways we see isolation. 

“Many of the pieces were to do with complete isolation, such as the head with the prison bars, which presents being trapped within your own mind, and a skull in the ocean, which shows decay within an isolated space. 

“However, other pieces were to show how we cope, that being with the headphones, and how we tend to block out our surroundings with music when we are focusing on a task alone. 

“The purpose of these pieces was to make you think about how you see isolation, and to consider the ways in which you deal with it, or try to stay isolated as little as you can, talking to others and enjoying the company of friends and family.”

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Rachael Flavell said: “I decided to link land and seascapes to emotions possibly felt during lockdown as people become more isolated. I focused on anger looking at just the nose and mouth area of the face using pencil and comparing it to a stormy sea, done using acrylic paint and coloured pencils.”

Art teacher, Ms P Thomson, said: “The responses were varied and interesting, provoking some very poignant images based on personal experiences of lockdown.  

“The students are hoping to further develop their work when they return in Year 12 as they continue studies in A-Level Art.”

Posted on July 16, 2020 .